Philosophy and Canon Law
„Philosophy and Canon Law” 2015. Vol. 1: The Family Institution: Identity, Sovereignty, Social Dimension
Andrzej Pastwa, Wiesław Wójcik, Krzysztof Wieczorek, Yosyp Veresh, Lucjan Świto, Jacek Szczot, Marek Rembierz, Stanislav Přibyl, Pavol Dancák, Adam Olszewski, Piotr Majer, Józef Krzywda, Piotr Kroczek, Witold Kania, Helena Hrehova, Aneta Gawkowska, Tomasz Gałkowski, ed. Andrzej Pastwa
The periodical “Philosophy and Canon Law” constitutes an open interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of philosophers and lawyers’ (canonists’) reflections, including representatives of different fields of study. Coping with the issues undertaken in thematic annuals is – from its very assumption – an attempt of providing an answer to complex problems of the dynamically changing world: social, religious, cultural and civilizational. The confines of the subject matter reflection are delineated by a marked, by the means of the title of the first volume of the periodical triad: human being (person) – family – society, the source of inspiration of which is the most important document of the Second Vatican Council: Gaudium et Spes constitution. The initiative garners support from the institutional cooperation of scientists, chiefly from Europe and the United States of America.
Part One
Philosophical Thought
- Pavol Dancák, Family and Polis. The Socio-philosophical Legacy of Plato and Aristotle at the Present Time
- Krzysztof Wieczorek, The Family in the Contemporary World — Catholic Social Teaching and Gender
- Helena Hrehová, The Role of the Women in the Development of Human Rights
- Aneta Gawkowska, New Feminism as a Response to the Modern Crisis of Community
- Yosyp Veresh, Love as a Gift of Self: Call to Holiness in Christian Marriage in the Light of Eastern Monasticism
- Witold Kania, Moral Issues of Advance Directives
Part Two
Juridical Canonical Thought
- Andrzej Pastwa, “Common Good of Marriage and the Family.” Canonical Reflections
- Tomasz Gałkowski, Sovereign Family
- Piotr Majer, The Significance of the Canonical Form of Marriage
- Stanislav Přibyl, Effects of Matrimonial Canon Law: Pastoral Aspects
- Piotr Kroczek, Church Teaching on Marriage and Family as an Instruction for the State Legislator in the Context of Poland
- Lucjan Świto, Family as a Subject of Protection in the State Family Policy
Part Three
- Wojciech Góralski, Andrzej Pastwa, Rodzina suwerenna — Kościół domowy. W nurcie współczesnej myśli prawnej Kościoła powszechnego i Kościoła w Polsce — Józef Krzywda
- Rodzina i polityka. Ed. Elżbieta Szczot — Jacek Szczot
- Filozofia polska na tle filozofii europejskiej w XX wieku. Ed. Maciej Woźniczka — Marek Rembierz
- Wojciech Załuski, Game Theory in Jurisprudence — Wiesław Wójcik
- Joanna Trzópek, Na tropach podmiotu. Między filozoficznym a empirycznym ujęciem podmiotowości — Adam Olszewski
- Roman Míčka, Znovu jsme se ujali dědictví otců… Konzervativní politický katolicismus v USA na pozadí komparace Michaela Novaka a Patricka Buchanana — Stanislav Přibyl
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„Philosophy and Canon Law” 2016. Vol. 2: Man – Family – Society in the Modern World
Pavol Dancák, Rudolf Dupkala, Tomasz Gałkowski, John Hittinger, Witold Kania, Jan Koblížek, Józef Krukowski, Leo D. Lefebure, Damián Němec, Stanislav Přibyl, Mirosław Sitarz, Elżbieta Szczot, Lucjan Świto, Małgorzata Tomkiewicz, Krzysztof Wieczorek, ed. Andrzej Pastwa
The periodical “Philosophy and Canon Law” constitutes an open interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of philosophers and lawyers’ (canonists’) reflections, including representatives of different fields of study. Coping with the issues undertaken in thematic annuals is – from its very assumption – an attempt of providing an answer to complex problems of the dynamically changing world: social, religious, cultural and civilizational. The confines of the subject matter reflection are delineated by a marked, by the means of the title of the first volume of the periodical triad: human being (person) – family – society, the source of inspiration of which is the most important document of the Second Vatican Council: Gaudium et spes constitution.
Part One
Philosophical Thought
- Pavol Dancák, Christian Thinking in Secular Context
- Leo D. Lefebure, Gaudium et Spes, Nostra Aetate, Dignitatis Humanae, and the Opening of the Catholic Church to Other Religious Traditions
- Rudolf Dupkala, Conflict or Dialogue of Cultures in the Context of Current Migrations
- Krzysztof Wieczorek, “Behold, Now Is the Acceptable Time for a Change of Heart.” A Christian Response to the Migration Problem
- Witold Kania, Gaudium et Spes on Human Dignity and Its Implications in Bioethics
- Jan Koblížek, Evaluating Political Society in Rerum Novarum in the Context of Francisco Suárez’s
- Social Doctrine and Its Development in Gaudium et Spes
- John Hittinger, Three Dimensions of Catholic Political Participation: Dignity, Secularity, and Witness
Part Two
Juridical Canonical Thought
- Stanislav Přibyl, Gaudium et Spes: Between Pastoral Character and Prescriptive Obligatoriety
- Tomasz Gałkowski, Correlation of Rights and Duties of the Faithful in the Constitution Gaudium et Spes and Its Influence on the Formulations in the Code of Canon Law
- Damián Němec, Specific Accents in the Rights and Obligations of Christian Faithful in the CCEO and Their Actual Relevance
- Józef Krukowski, Culture and Law in Pluralistic Society
- Mirosław Sitarz, Relations between Church and State in Gaudium et Spes
- Andrzej Pastwa, Gaudium et Spes: An Enormous Step towards Overcoming the Dualism between Natural Marriage and the Sacrament of Matrimony
- Lucjan Świto, Responsible Parenthood in the Context of Contemporary Challenges
- Małgorzata Tomkiewicz, Femininity and Masculinity as a Legal Issue
- Elżbieta Szczot, Family in the Face of Globalization
Part Three
- David L. Schindler, Nicholas J. Healy Jr., Freedom, Truth, and Human Dignity: The Second Vatican Council’s Declaration on Religious Freedom — John Hittinger
- Aneta Gawkowska, Skandal i ekstaza. Nowy Feminizm na tle koncepcji pojednania według Jana Pawła II — Agnieszka Nogal
- Church and Society: Towards Responsible Engagement Ed. Ľ. M. Ondrášek, I. Moďoroši — Alexandru Buzalic
- Michał Paluch, Dlaczego Tomasz — Aneta Gawkowska
- Grzegorz Grzybek, Etyka zawodowa jako subdyscyplina naukowa (odniesienie do działalności zawodowej w obszarze nauczania, wychowania i opieki) — Marek Rembierz
- Demokratyczne państwo prawa. Ed. M. Aleksandrowicz, A. Jamróz, L. Jamróz — Tomasz Gałkowski
- Filozoficzne i teoretyczne zagadnienia demokratycznego państwa prawa. Ed. M. Andruszkiewicz, A. Breczko, S. Oliwniak — Tomasz Gałkowski
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„Philosophy and Canon Law” 2017. Vol. 3: Church and State: Promotion of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights of the Human Person
Damián Němec, Arkadiusz Wuwer, Krzysztof Wieczorek, Małgorzata Tomkiewicz, Lucjan Świto, Stanislav Přibyl, Michał Poniatowski, Andrzej Pastwa, Pavol Dancák, Roman Míčka, Leo D. Lefebure, Józef Krukowski, Piotr Kroczek, Brian Jones, John Hittinger, Aneta Gawkowska, ed. Andrzej Pastwa
The periodical “Philosophy and Canon Law” constitutes an open interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of philosophers and lawyers’ (canonists’) reflections, including representatives of different fields of study. Coping with the issues undertaken in thematic annuals is – from its very assumption – an attempt of providing an answer to complex problems of the dynamically changing world: social, religious, cultural and civilizational. As Prof. Leo D. Lefebure, the author of the first text, accurately notices the UN International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and Centessimus annus are the heirs of a long tradition of contemplation upon justice and the World”. What is the best proof of the vital power of inspiration of these documents, published half a century and 25 years ago respectively, are the texts included in the third part of this periodical.
Part One
Philosophical Thought
- Leo D. Lefebure, Ancient Mediterranean Roots of Perspectives on Human Rights
- Pavol Dancák, The Human Person’s Dignity and Place in the World
- Aneta Gawkowska, Looking for Foundations: Nature, Society, and Rights
- John P. Hittinger, The Revolution of Conscience in Centesimus Annus
- Krzysztof Wieczorek, Józef Tischner’s Ethics of Solidarity
- Arkadiusz Wuwer, Is the Catholic Church’s Involvement in the Economy Necessary?
- Roman Míčka, Pope John Paul II’s Criticism of “Human Rightism” and Its Further Development
Part Two
Juridical Canonical Thought
- Józef Krukowski, The Standpoint of the Holy See on Communism. From Benedict XV to John Paul II
- Małgorzata Tomkiewicz, Cooperation of Common Courts and Ecclesiastical Courts in Poland for the Common and Individual Good
- Lucjan Świto, Does Labor Law Apply in the Church? An Analysis of the Socio-Legal Conditions on the Example of the Latin Church in Poland
- Andrzej Pastwa, In the Circle of the “Culture of Indissolubility”: Family as the First and Fundamental Structure of “Human Ecology”
- Michał Poniatowski, The Family as an Entity in the Polish Legal Order
- Damián Němec, Legal Subject of Family in the Czech Judicial System
- Stanislav Přibyl, The Principle of Subsidiarity in the Code of Canon Law
Part Three
- Patrick Deneen, Why Liberalism Failed — Brian Jones
- Pierre Manent, Seeing Things Politically: Interviews with Bénédicte Delorme-Montini — John Hittinger
- George Weigel, Lessons in Hope: My Unexpected Life with St. John Paul II— John Hittinger
- Martin Dojčár, Self-Transcendence and Prosociality — Pavol Dancák
- Aniela Dylus, Polityka w perspektywie etycznej i religijnej; Aniela Dylus, Gospodarka w perspektywie etycznej i religijnej — Arkadiusz Wuwer
- Jiří Rajmund Tretera, Záboj Horák, Konfesní právo; Jiří Rajmund Tretera, Záboj Horák, Církevní právo — Stanislav Přibyl
- Rafał Paprzycki, Prawna ochrona wolności sumienia i wyznania — Piotr Kroczek
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„Philosophy and Canon Law” 2018, Vol. 4: Contemporary Challenges of Education. Values – Norms – Legislation
Pavol Dancák, Tomasz Gałkowski, John P. Hittinger, Zdzisław Kieliszek, Damián Němec, Grażyna Osika, Andrzej Pastwa , Stanislav Přibyl, Małgorzata Tomkiewicz, Krzysztof Wieczorek, Mariusz Wojewoda, ed. Andrzej Pastwa
The periodical “Philosophy and Canon Law” constitutes an open interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of philosophers and lawyers’ (canonists’) reflections, including representatives of different fields of study. Coping with the issues undertaken in thematic annuals is – from its very assumption – an attempt of providing an answer to complex problems of the dynamically changing world: social, religious, cultural and civilizational. The jubilee context, connected with the anniversary of John Amos Comenius’ birthday, whose ideas four centuries ago were the ground plate of the modern system of education (and were the starting point of research works of such great thinkers as e.g. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz or Johann Wolfgang von Goethe), became – in the fourth volume of the journal – an opportunity to confirm today the inspirational potential of the thought of the father of modern pedagogy and emphasize the significance of the issues defined by the means of the following title: Contemporary Challenges of Education: Values – Norms – Legislation.
Part One
Philosophical Thought
- John P. Hittinger, An Education to Counter the Culture of Death
Krzysztof Wieczorek, The Need of Upbringing with Values in Mind in the Post-Normative Epoch - Pavol Dancák, De rerum humanarum emendatione consultatio catholica – Education for Co-existence
- Grażyna Osika, Jan Ámos Komenski’s Postulate of Shaping of Wise Beings within the Context of Developing Media Competence
- Mariusz Wojewoda, The Concept of Image according to John Amos Comenius and the New Media
- Zdzisław Kieliszek, The Timeliness of Kant’s Vision of Education for Life in Civil Society
Part Two
Juridical Canonical Thought
- Stanislav Přibyl, Biblical Inspirations and Canonical Fundamentals of Education
- Tomasz Gałkowski, Church and the Bologna Process. Motives, Prospects, Difficulties
- Andrzej Pastwa, Transsexualism, Homosexuality and Priesthood. Canonical Remarks Concerning the Relevant Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis Standards
- Małgorzata Tomkiewicz, Ratio Fundamentalis: the Role of Specialists and Lay People in Priestly Formation
- Damián Němec, Teaching Religion and the Catholic Educational System in the Czech Republic
- Piotr Kroczek, Teaching Religion and the Catholic Educational System in Poland
Part Three
- Daniel J. Mahoney, The Idol of Our Age: How the Religion of Humanity Subverts Christianity, New York USA/London UK: Encounter Books 2018, 163 pp. — John P. Hittinger
- David C. Schindler, Freedom from Reality. The Diabolical Character of Modern Liberty, Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 2017, 456 pp. — Brian Jones
- Po co etyka pedagogom? /What do educators need ethics for?/,, ed. Wiktor Sawczuk, Toruń: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2007, 378 pp. — Alojzy Drożdż
- Sprawności moralne a przestrzenie pedagogiczne /Moral fitness and pedagogical space/, eds. Iwona Jazukiewicz, Ewa Rojewska Szczecin: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2017, 305 pp. — Alojzy Drożdż
- Familiogia XXI wieku. Wyzwania i oczekiwania /Familiology of the XXI century. Challenges and expectations/, red. Urszuli Gruca-Miąsik Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, Rzeszów 2014, 282 pp. — Michał Drożdż
- Wychowanie w szkole: od bezradności ku możliwościom /Education at school: from helplessness to possibilities/, eds. Radosław Chałupniak, Tomasz Michalewski, Ewa Smak, Opole: Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2014, 495 pp. — Michał Drożdż
- Konferencja Episkopatu Polski, Podstawa programowa katechezy Kościoła katolickiego w Polsce /The core curriculum of the catechesis of the Catholic Church in Poland/, Częstochowa: Edycja Świętego Pawła, 2018, 168 pp. — Michał Borda
„Philosophy and Canon Law” 2019, Vol. 5: Between the Culture of the Right to Responsible Parenthood and the Culture of the “New” Human Rights: Reproductive and Sexual (I)
Aneta Gawkowska, John P. Hittinger, Marian Machinek, Marek Petro, Marek Rembierz, Krzysztof Wieczorek, Mariusz Wojewoda, ed. Andrzej Pastwa
The periodical “Philosophy and Canon Law” constitutes an open interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of philosophers and lawyers’ (canonists’) reflections, including representatives of different fields of study. Coping with the issues undertaken in thematic annuals is – from its very assumption – an attempt of providing an answer to complex problems of the dynamically changing world: social, religious, cultural and civilizational. The leading thread of philosophical and legal contemplation in the next two volumes of the journal, triggered somehow by the context of the 50th anniversary of Paul VI’s Humanae Vitae Encyclical, concentrates around the issues defined by the title and subtitle of the first article by Prof. Marian Machinek: Reproductive Rights versus the Christian Culture of the Body. Two Different Perspectives. “The main point of the disagreement – according to the Autor – between the concept of reproductive rights and the Christian culture of the body concerns the meaning of human corporeality. For the former, human body is, in a certain way, ‘outside’ of the self-determining subject”. The entire volume constitutes an attempt of an answer to the recent appeal of Pope Francis: “We need to return to the message of the Encyclical Humanae Vitae” (Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, n. 82).
Part One
- Marian Machinek, Reproductive Rights versus the Christian Culture of the Body. Two Different Perspectives
- Marek Petro, Encyclical Letter Humanae Vitae in the Course of Time
- John P. Hittinger, John Paul II on Humanae Vitae and the Priority of Ethics over Technology
- Aneta Gawkowska, Humanae Vitae, Women’s Rights, and Responsible Parenthood
- Mariusz Wojewoda, The Problem of Responsible Parenthood in the Axiological Perspective. Analysis Inspired by the Encyclical Paul VI Humane Vitae
- Krzysztof Wieczorek, A Child is a Human Being Now. Responsible Parenthood in the Light of Janusz Korczak’s Pedagogy
Part Two
- John C. Gallagher, A New Dawn, or the Fading of the Light? Culture and Evangelization Today — John P. Hittinger
- Maciej Woźniczka, Marek Perek, Toposy (w) filozofii. Filozofia i jej miejsce w doświadczeniu kulturowym — Marek Rembierz
- Maciej Woźniczka, Marek Perek, Apokryficzność (w) filozofii. Nie/anty/pozaortodoksyjne dyskursy filozoficzne — Marek Rembierz
„Philosophy and Canon Law” 2020, Vol. 6: Between the Culture of the Right to Responsible Parenthood and the Culture of the “New” Human Rights: Reproductive and Sexual (II)
Robert Benne, Pavol Dancák, Tomasz Gałkowski, Piotr Kroczek, Andrzej Pastwa, Stanislav Přibyl, Lucjan Świto, ed. Andrzej Pastwa
The periodical “Philosophy and Canon Law” constitutes an open interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of philosophers and lawyers’ (canonists’) reflections, including representatives of different fields of study. Coping with the issues undertaken in thematic annuals is – from its very assumption – an attempt of providing an answer to complex problems of the dynamically changing world: social, religious, cultural and civilizational. The leading thread of philosophical and legal contemplation in the next two volumes of the journal (I–II), triggered somehow by the context of the 50th anniversary of Paul VI’s Humanae Vitae Encyclical, concentrates around the issues defined by the title and subtitle of the first article by Prof. Marian Machinek: Reproductive Rights versus the Christian Culture of the Body. Two Different Perspectives. “The main point of the disagreement – according to the Autor – between the concept of reproductive rights and the Christian culture of the body concerns the meaning of human corporeality. For the former, human body is, in a certain way, ‘outside’ of the self-determining subject”. The entire volume constitutes an attempt of an answer to the recent appeal of Pope Francis: “We need to return to the message of the Encyclical Humanae Vitae” (Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, n. 82).
Part One
Canon Law
- Robert Benne, God’s Holy Ordinance
- Tomasz Gałkowski, Natural Law and Human Right – The Casus of Contraception (Comments from the Level of Law)
- Andrzej Pastwa, Responsible Procreation – Co-Responsibility of Spouses. From Adequate Anthropology to the Legal Anthropology of Matrimony
- Lucjan Świto, “New Human Rights” and the Ban on Sexual Intercourse between Relatives. Legal Contemplation
- Stanislav Přibyl, Fundamental Rights – Comparison of the Approaches in the Canon Law and in the Civil Law
- Piotr Kroczek, Culture as one of the Determinants of Church and State Legislation: A Case of Canon Law
Part Two
- Andrzej Pastwa, Il bene dei coniugi. L’identificazione dell’elemento ad validitatem nella giurisprudenza della Rota Romana — Stanislav Přibyl
- Mária Potočárová, Etika v rodinných vzťahoch — Pavol Dancák
- Carlo Fantappiè, Per un cambio di paradigma. Diritto canonico, teologia e riforme nella Chiesa — Tomasz Gałkowski
„Philosophy and Canon Law” 2021, Vol. 7/1: Semicentennial of Karol Wojtyła’s “The Acting Person”: Ideas – Contexts – Inspirations (I)
Pavol Dancák, Aneta Gawkowska, Karol Jasiński, Jarosław Merecki, Marek Rembierz, Daniel Wagner, Krzysztof Wielecki, Mariusz Wojewoda, ed. Andrzej Pastwa
The periodical “Philosophy and Canon Law” constitutes an open interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of philosophers and lawyers’ (canonists’) reflections, including representatives of different fields of study. Coping with the issues undertaken in thematic annuals is – from its very assumption – an attempt of providing an answer to complex problems of the dynamically changing world: social, religious, cultural and civilizational.
By the means of their titles the two subsequent volumes of the semiannual announce multiperspective reflection upon the epochal work of the great promoter of integral anthropology – personalism, Karol Wojtyła, the future Pope Saint John Paul II. The purpose of this scientific project is meaningfully underlined by the author of the text marking the beginning of the scientific contemplation, Prof. Jarosław Merecki. “To understand the philosophy of Karol Wojtyła, it is not enough to read this or that book; one has to make an effort to participate personally in the experiences that underlie his philosophy. Only in this way we will be able to follow the path that the philosopher pointed out to us”.
Part One
- Jarosław Merecki, On the Sources of Karol Wojtyła’s “The Acting Person”
- Daniel Wagner, On Karol Wojtyła’s Aristotelian Method in “The Acting Person”: Induction and Reduction as Aristotelian Induction (ἐπαγωγή) and Division (διαίρεσις) (Part I)
- Aneta Gawkowska, “The Acting Person” and “Inactivity”: Sociological Attractiveness of Realism in Constructivist Times
- Karol Jasiński, Wojtyła’s Category of Participation and the Question of Common Good
- Krzysztof Wielecki, Subjectivity vs. Agency – the Meaning of Karol Wojtyła’s “The Acting Person”
- Mariusz Wojewoda, Karol Wojtyła’s Conception of Personhood from the Perspective of Cognitive Sciences
- Pavol Dancák, Contemporary Reflection on Participation as an Essential Dimension of Philosophy of Education in the Context of “The Acting Person”
Part Two
- Janusz Mariański, Godność ludzka – wartość doceniona czy puste słowo? Studium socjopedagogiczne — Marek Rembierz
- Karol Jasiński, Relacja między religią i sferą publiczną w filozofii społecznej i politycznej Charlesa Taylora — Pavol Dancák
- Mariusz Henryk Sztaba, Etyczno-moralne postawy życia społecznego w świetle nauczania Karola Wojtyły – św. Jana Pawła II: Wybrane aspekty — Pavol Dancák
„Philosophy and Canon Law” 2021, Vol. 7/2: Semicentennial of Karol Wojtyła’s “The Acting Person”: Ideas – Contexts – Inspirations (II)
Małgorzata Chojara-Sobiecka, Tomasz Gałkowski, Piotr Kroczek, Monika Menke, Damián Němec, Andrzej Pastwa, Stanislav Přibyl, Adrian J. Reimers, Elżbieta Szczot, Daniel C. Wagner, ed. Andrzej Pastwa
The periodical “Philosophy and Canon Law” constitutes an open interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of philosophers and lawyers’ (canonists’) reflections, including representatives of different fields of study. Coping with the issues undertaken in thematic annuals is – from its very assumption – an attempt of providing an answer to complex problems of the dynamically changing world: social, religious, cultural and civilizational.
By the means of their titles the two subsequent volumes of the semiannual announce multiperspective reflection upon the epochal work of the great promoter of integral anthropology – personalism, Karol Wojtyła, the future Pope Saint John Paul II. The purpose of this scientific project is meaningfully underlined by the author of the text marking the beginning of the scientific contemplation, Prof. Jarosław Merecki. “To understand the philosophy of Karol Wojtyła, it is not enough to read this or that book; one has to make an effort to participate personally in the experiences that underlie his philosophy. Only in this way we will be able to follow the path that the philosopher pointed out to us”.
Part One
Canon Law
- Daniel C. Wagner, On Karol Wojtyła’s Aristotelian Method. Part II. Induction and Reduction as Aristotelian Induction (ἐπαγωγή) and Division (διαίρεσις)
- Adrian Reimers, The Consumer Ideology and the Truth about Man
- Tomasz Gałkowski, Participation in the “Synodal Way”. A Few Comments in the Light of Karol Wojtyła’s Theory of Participation
- Stanislav Přibyl, Human Person in the Code of Canon Law of John Paul II
- Andrzej Pastwa, “Person” in CIC and CCEO Matrimonial Law. On the Idea of Vetera et Nova Harmonization in the Church Doctrine and Jurisprudence
- Elżbieta Szczot, “Person” in the Polish Family and Guardianship Code
- Damián Němec, “Person” in the Law of Religious [Institutes]
- Małgorzata Chojara-Sobiecka, Piotr Kroczek, Personal Data Protection as an Expression of Personalism
Part Two
- Tomasz Gałkowski, Ogólne zasady prawa w prawie kanonicznym — Andrzej Pastwa
- Carlo Fantappiè, Ecclesiologia e Canonistica — Tomasz Gałkowski
- Spiritual Care in Public Institution in Europe, eds. Jiří Rajmund Tretera and Záboj Horák — Monika Menke
„Philosophy and Canon Law” 2022, Vol. 8/1: Nomos – Ethos – Oikonomia. In memory of Professor Józef Tischner
Pavol Dancák, Kathleen Haney, John P. Hittinger, Marek Petro, Krzysztof Wieczorek, Radovan Šoltés, Krzysztof Wielecki, ed. Andrzej Pastwa
Da questa parte onde ‘l fiore è maturo
di tutte le sue foglie, sono assisi
quei che credettero in Cristo venturo
Dante Alighieri
Divina Commedia/Paradiso/Canto XXXII, 22-24
Through dedicating the next two volumes to the memory of Professors Rev. Józef Tischner and Rev. Remigiusz Sobański, the Editorial Board of “Philosophy and Canon Law” would like to express their gratitude in the form of a symbolic “rose.” The contemplation on the legacy and contribution to culture of these outstanding Thinkers, Teachers of the ethos of a scientist in limitless devotion to truth and its search – after all, makes us recall the mystical “rose” from Dante Alighieri’s world monument to literature. But also the one from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s masterpiece. As Stanisław Grygier inspiringly deduces – the presence of the “rose” gives the Little Prince’s life meaning and value, makes him free. In the bonds of his responsible love, the nation and society are born – the space for the spiritual development of man (ethos). Little Prince’s home (oikos), in which law (nómos) stems from love of the land, cultivated for the “rose” – i.e. the common good – constitutes what is called oikonomia.
Part One
- John P. Hittinger, Tischner on Upbringing and Hope
- Krzysztof Wieczorek, In the Defence of Utopia. Józef Tischner’s Thinking about the Social Ethos
- Marek Petro, The Idea of Solidarity in the Concept of Man Created in God’s Image
- Pavol Dancák, Ethics and Solidarity as Hope in the Philosophy of Józef Tischner
- Krzysztof Wielecki, The Concept of Subjectivity in the Light of Józef Tischner’s Thought
- Radovan Šoltés, Philosophical Reflection on Ideology Against the Backdrop of Tischner’s Think
Part Two
- European Sources of Human Dignity: A Commented Anthology selected, ed. Mette Lebech – Kathleen Haney.
- Wiesław Wójcik, Uniwersalność matematyki w ujęciu historycznym – Pavol Dancák
- Johan Bouwer, Marco van Leeuwen, Philosophy of Leisure – Foundations of the Good Life – Pavol Dancák
„Philosophy and Canon Law” 2022, Vol. 8/2: Nomos – Ethos – Oikonomia. In memory of Professor Remigiusz Sobański
Tomasz Gałkowski, Wojciech Góralski, Piotr Kroczek, Adrian Loretan-Saladin, Damián Němec, Andrzej Pastwa, Stanislav Přibyl, ed. Andrzej Pastwa
Da questa parte onde ‘l fiore è maturo
di tutte le sue foglie, sono assisi
quei che credettero in Cristo venturo
Dante Alighieri
Divina Commedia/Paradiso/Canto XXXII, 22-24
Through dedicating the next two volumes to the memory of Professors Rev. Józef Tischner and Rev. Remigiusz Sobański, the Editorial Board of “Philosophy and Canon Law” would like to express their gratitude in the form of a symbolic “rose.” The contemplation on the legacy and contribution to culture of these outstanding Thinkers, Teachers of the ethos of a scientist in limitless devotion to truth and its search – after all, makes us recall the mystical “rose” from Dante Alighieri’s world monument to literature. But also the one from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s masterpiece. As Stanisław Grygier inspiringly deduces – the presence of the “rose” gives the Little Prince’s life meaning and value, makes him free. In the bonds of his responsible love, the nation and society are born – the space for the spiritual development of man (ethos). Little Prince’s home (oikos), in which law (nómos) stems from love of the land, cultivated for the “rose” – i.e. the common good – constitutes what is called oikonomia.
Part One
Canon Law
- Adrian Loretan-Saladin, Dignity of the Human Person
- Tomasz Gałkowski, Theology of Canon Law according to R. Sobański
- Wojciech Góralski, The Research Activity of Rev. Prof. Remigiusz Sobański in the Field of Substantive Canon Law
- Andrzej Pastwa, Pillars of the System of ius matrimoniale canonicum according to R. Sobański
- Piotr Kroczek, R. Sobański’s Critique of the Particular Legislation
- Damián Němec, Aequitas canonica and Access to the Sacrament of Penance during the First Wave of COVID-19 in 2020 in the Light of the Principles of Canon Law
- Stanislav Přibyl, The Missing of the Concordat Agreement in the Czech Republic
Part Two
- Sebastián Frías, Una Chiesa giusta. Comprendere il diritto canonico — Tomasz Gałkowski
- Stanislav Přibyl, Kanonické manželské právo — Damián Němec
- Markus Graulich and Heribert Hallermann, Das neue kirchliche Strafrecht — Damián Němec
„Philosophy and Canon Law” 2023, Vol. 9/1: Accompany Man in the Digital Age (I)
Daniel Dancák, Pavol Dancák, John P. Hittinger, Karol Jasiński, Peter Vansač, Krzysztof Wieczorek, Mariusz Wojewoda, ed. Andrzej Pastwa
Part One
- Krzysztof Wieczorek, AI Robot – Companion, Friend or Competitor of Human Being?
- Karol Jasiński, Googlism – Man’s New “Religion” in the Digital Age
- Pavol Dancák, Scholē as a Way of Learning to Be Human in the Age of the Internet
- Mariusz Wojewoda, Man “Extended” by Media and Technology: Ethical Considerations
- Peter Vansač, Opportunities and Pitfalls for Young People in the Online Space
- Daniel Dancák, On What is Personally Appealing on Conceptual Relativism
Part Two
- Grzegorz Hołub, Understanding the Person: Essays on the Personalism of Karol Wojtyła – John P. Hittinger
- Marian Machinek, Nowy tęczowy świat. Próba diagnozy [The New Rainbow World: A Diagnosis Attempt] – Pavol Dancák
- Alexandru Buzalic, Anthropos omnul. Paradigmele unui model antropologic integral [Anthropos – The Human Being: The Paradigms of an Integral Anthropological Model] – Pavol Dancák
- Dariusz Karłowicz (ed.), Thinking with St. John Paul II: JP2 Lectures 2020/2021 – John Hittinger
„Philosophy and Canon Law” 2023, Vol. 9/2: Accompany Man in the Digital Age (II)
Tomasz Gałkowski, Damian Němec, Andrzej Pastwa, Jurij Popovič, Elżbieta Szczot, Lucjan Świto, ed. Andrzej Pastwa
Part One
Canon Law
- Jurij Popovič, The Media and the Prescriptions of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches
- Andrzej Pastwa, The Digital Environment as a Space of the Evangelization Activity. New Dimension of the Obligations Imposed by the Provisions of can. 822 CIC
- Elżbieta Szczot, Between entitlement and limitation of the right to sacraments during the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic. Internet as a means of transmission and communication with the faithful
- Lucjan Świto, Legal Aspects of the Sacraments at a Distance
- Tomasz Gałkowski, Protection of the Ecclesiastical Community Against Internet Abuses in Book VI of the Code of Canon Law
- Damián Němec, Juridical Relations between Freedom of Artistic Expression and Protection of the Dignity of Religion in the Light of a Lawsuit over Theatrical Performances in the Czech Republic
Part Two
- Ginter Dzierżon, Dyspensa w kanonicznym porządku prawnym. Studium prawno-historyczne [Dispensation in the Canonical Legal Order. A Legal and Historical Study] – Elżbieta Szczot
- Ján Duda, Manželské právo katolíckej cirkvi v kontexte súčasnosti [Matrimonial Law of the Catholic Church in the Context of the Present] – Jurij Popovič
- Mirosław Chmielewski, Małgorzata Nowak, Piotr Stanisz, Justyna Szulich-Kałuża, Dariusz Wadowski, Komunikacja Kościoła katolickiego w Polsce w okresie pandemii Covid-19. Raport z badań interdyscyplinarnych – Elżbieta Szczot